Roofing Construction Begins on the New Church in Nkanchi
Construction on the new Saint Martin De Porres Church in Nkanchi Village has begun! We began the work toward the roofing of the Church by, first, getting a carpenter to estimate the cost. We hired Mr. Yufenyuy Bertrand Setinyuy to be the main carpenter. We then bought trees in the forest and paid a sawyer to saw the planks into varied sizes as indicated by him. We bought poles to use for the scaffolding and on June 24, 2024, the scaffolding work began. As of now, the rafters are already taking shape.
The work is progressing speedily, and we are anxious to see a solid roof put up.The carpenters completed the scaffolding work by June 30, 2024. They erected the first rafter on July 10, 2024. By July 18, 2024, the work on the rafters was halfway done. We praise and thank God that the work is going smoothly without a major setback and we thank you, our generous donors, for making it possible.