First Holy Communion at St. Aloysius’ Minor Seminary

Every academic year, we inventory students who have not received some of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation and ensure that we adequately prepare them for these Sacraments. Some come here when they have not even received the Sacrament of Baptism. Since this is a minor seminary that prepares Catholic boys for the Diocesan priesthood, all who come here must be in good standing concerning the Sacraments and must have the initial intention of becoming diocesan priests, even if they change their minds along the way as they grow to maturity.

Sunday, March 2, 2025, the eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, witnessed four boys' reception of the Sacrament of Holy Communion in their first year of Secondary School. They were TEBECK LAURENT NYUYKONGMO (24/09/2013), BENARD-RICHE KONGNYUY (07/03/2011), AFONI CHARIS FOMONYUY (10/06/2013), AND KONGNYUY VERITAS SIRAM (01/04/2014). We shifted the time for Holy Mass from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. to allow some of their parents to attend. As usual, the students sang well and led the congregation to a prayerful event. They demonstrated their joyful welcome to the four young boys in songs and dance.

The Spiritual Director, Fr. Keman Desmus, was the principal celebrant. At the same time, the Rector (Fr. Emmanuel Fale Lon) and the other priest in the formation team (Fr. Tume Ronald Dinnyuy – a twin brother to Fr. Tume Roberto) were the concelebrants. In his homily, Fr. Desmus reflected on using the mouth as an instrument for peace or dissension. We can avoid using the mouth to gossip, blackmail, lie, and hinder progress. Instead, we can use our mouths to praise God, negotiate peace terms, and utter words that bring unity, not division, peace, and war. Gleaning from the Gospel, he said that we need to constantly do self-introspection rather than seeing the splinter in another’s eye when we have a plank in our own eyes. At the end of the Mass, the Rector encouraged the new Communicants to be Christlike in their words and deeds. They should throw away what comes from the devil and put on the Armor of Christ. Holy Communion is the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. He is truly, really, and substantially present in the species of bread and wine. The frequent and worthy reception of this sacrament is of paramount importance.

First Communion day for four lucky students at SAMS, Kitiwum - March 2025

Some parents showed their appreciation by bringing gifts in kind for the offertory. The parents who were able to come expressed their gratitude to the members of the SAMS formation team for the marvelous work that is being accomplished. They are aware of the difficulties we face, ranging from financial to moral and spiritual crises, that the institution handles simultaneously. It is challenging to mould young minds with different backgrounds and behavioral patterns to become responsible people in the society.

May peace one day reign again in Anglophone, Cameroon, Ukraine, and other parts of the world suffering from oppression and violence.  Amen.

- Fr. Emmanuel Fale Lon


Threats to Blackmail and/or Kidnap