Happy New Year and Thank You!

Dear friends of KumboKids and Community, once more, happy and prosperous New Year 2025. The year 2024 is now history, and all that happened, good or bad, could be stepping stones to more incredible things. I wish everyone a fantastic year in 2025 and pray that we should all upgrade all that made us happy in 2024 and try to eliminate anything that would make us unhappy.

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has declared 2025 as the Jubilee Year of Hope. According to the Church, Christian hope is “the theological virtue by which we desire the Kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit” (CCC 1817). Saint Paul says, “There are three things that last: faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13). In our day-to-day lives, hope is what encourages to long for the next day, to stay strong, and to have the desire to do better each day. May God increase your hope in Him and strengthen your love of God and neighbor each day.

Thank you for your donations from the Advent season through Christmas 2024 to the New Year 2025. I lack words to express the gratitude in my heart. Through these donations, you have demonstrated your love of God and neighbor. Together with all the beneficiaries, we say “Thank You.” Jesus gives thanks by offering himself in the species of bread and wine, which become his Body and Blood after consecration (Mk. 14:22-23). I give thanks to you by praying for you and asking others, especially the students at SAMS, to pray for you as well. I have already given some details on our website, www.kumbokids.org, on the strikes we are making to achieve the goal and mission of KumboKids and Community. We have completed the roofing of Saint Martin the de Porres Catholic Church in Nkanchi village; we have carried out some projects in SAMS, such as the side-beds cupboards and the new chairs, and we have continued to support students with tuition and fees from Kindergarten to University level. All this is happening thanks to your generous donations. May God bless you with good health of mind and body and give you the joy and happiness you desire; may your aspirations be realized through Christ, our Lord. Amen. THANK YOU!


Threats to Blackmail and/or Kidnap


Two Big Celebrations on the Same Day!