My People are Suffering
December 25th 2011, Christmas Day, while in Carroll, Iowa for the Christmas break, someone from St. Kizito's Parish, Sabongari, Diocese of Kumbo, Cameroon, my former Parish, called me on phone to tell me that he and his children were able to eat some slices of meat beacuse it was Christmas Day. I burst into tears, thinking of where I was, living in affluence because I have never lived such a life before. Each time I am hungry, there is something to eat, yet there are people out "boasting" of having eaten slices of meat on Christmas Day. Perhaps, they will eat meat again only the next Christmas. I felt like not eating at all, but this will not be a good attitude. I need to be strong in order to help them. I am parcelling all my gifts especially financial support meant for my personal use to send to children in my parish and the diocese of Kumbo, Cameroon for their education. Only education will help them eat meat all the time.
Anyone with a human feeling should please support me in this project of education of Cameroonian Children. God will reward you abundantly. Those who have supported these children in one way or the other will continue to feel the effects of their prayers.